Kyla M. Cullinane

Kyla M. Cullinane

Freelance Book Editing 101 is a huge game changer for me. I have always wanted to be a book editor but never knew how to actually be a book editor. This motivates me to jump in and put myself out there. I have the education (MFA) and some professional experience so...
Joy Worland

Joy Worland

Susannah and Nancy are full of knowledge and positive energy and are super fun to work with! They provided concrete steps and tools that can help me turn my hobby of editing friends’ emails and Facebook posts into a freelance career.
Sarah Yahm

Sarah Yahm

I’ve always wanted to be a book editor but felt paralyzed about how to get started. Susannah and Nancy broke down the process of getting started as a freelance editor into manageable parts, so it feels doable to me now.
Rhonda Henry

Rhonda Henry

I really appreciate the amount of preparation and overall effort that went into Freelance Book Editing 101. I’ve taken lots of classes over the years for my work and it’s rare to find instructors so clear, committed, and focused on providing good information in an...