Free Webinar: Developmental and Line Editing for Nonfiction Books
About Developmental and Line Editing for Nonfiction Webinar
Hear from longtime freelance book editor Nancy Marriott of New Paradigm Literary Services ( about the world of developmental editing and line editing for popular nonfiction books. Nancy’s niche is sometimes called “platform books,” or “transformative nonfiction”: wellness, mind/body, spirituality, how-to, memoir and business. Nancy has worked with best-selling authors in both traditional and self-publishing venues for over 25 years.
About Nancy Marriott
Nancy Marriott, MA, has been a freelance book editor, co-author, and coach for nonfiction and fiction popular books for more than twenty years. She has worked on best sellers Molecules of Emotion by Dr. Candace Pert, Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff, and Discover Your Purpose by Rhys Thomas. Her specialty is transformative nonfiction, including personal growth, spirituality, inspirational/self-help memoirs, alternative medicine, and mind/body/spirit genres. A former college ESL writing instructor and University of CA medical editor, Nancy has assisted authors taking the traditional publishing route as well as those going through self-publishing companies. Read more at
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